hmm i wonder what the best way of adding a cookie notice to the yinglet clicker is
cause your contribution count is saved to your machine and that is illegal afaict unless i tell you about it
@mynotaurus You're storing it in localStorage, so it's perfectly fine :3
@arch OBJECTION! (hm we should get an ace attorney objection emote lol) localstorage counts as cookies under the cookie law
@arch both can be used for fingerprinting, so presumably its to stop the loophole of using localstorage as cookies?
@mynotaurus make it an offering of cookies that the yinglet gives you in payment for pets?
@mynotaurus also lmao its hosted in the USA there's no laws here except for all of the stuff that you would never make a law for unless you were insanely corrupt
so you can totally just fukken not do it lmao
@dragonminded us sites still have to do it
i guess maybe you might not see it cause its only a legal requirement to do it for eu users though
@mynotaurus i mean it's enforced through fines. like, is some commission in the EU going to go after a personal site? hosted in the USA? and not on California soil (the only state with GDPR-like regulations)?
@mynotaurus i fail to see how they have any sort of teeth in this situation