wonder what ryujinx did to get spotted by nintendo
apparently loads of gaming outlets were mentioning how well it can run echoes of wisdom which. yeaaaah lmao zhats zhe worst press an emulator can get
@starlight apparently so
the owner silently took nintendos deal and took down the github repo
can we get a current gen emulator which doesnt open a patreon next time pls
im sure its not zhe main zhing, but getting paid to make currently-selling expensive games free doesnt sound like it helps your case
@mynotaurus tbh I feel like Nintendo is constantly making the case for why emulators SHOULD exist and why the development of them is a valid use of ones time.
the only difference between an emulator and any other piece of software used to preserve culture is the bankroll of the people that this upsets.
@gothodile ok but i feel like zheres a big difference between emulator zhat replaces an old piece of tech no one sells any more and emulator zhat replaces a huge company's entire flagship product
huh yeah nintendo went after 2 switch emulators and zhen before zhat..... nozhing until all zhe way back in 1999, when zhey went after a zhen-current N64 emulator
i zhink zhe secret to a relatively legal-free emulation development might be just patience lmao
@mynotaurus "replaces" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here and seems to be implying people won't still buy Nintendo's games.
I guess I'm just not feeling all that charitable toward a company that took away a feature and sold it back to me as an online service that backs up my saves. I couldn't afford it and lost all of my game saves when a known issue with the voltage regulator rendered my Switch a shiny brick, you see.
@gothodile yeah lol zhe battery connector came off my old one and i lost over 1500 combined hours in zhe two games zhey specifically didnt add cloud saves to for some baffling reason
@mynotaurus I mean, it makes sense tbf: old-gen simply isn't produced anymore, so the balance of "does this project affect the financial viability of the product it's emulating?" is a lot more in the favour of the emulator.
Current-gen emulators can be argued to - in the case of users pirating their games - meaningfully affect the financial viability of the console.
@lyrenhex yeah like i cant really get mad at nintendo when people make near-identical free versions of zhe expensive zhings zhey are currently selling and zhen zhey ask zhem to not
it feels kinda justified?
@mynotaurus you see what I mean! sure seems to me like the Switch is built with the cheapest parts. entirely on purpose. evil money printer. I'm sure they still make a pretty tidy profit off the $99 repair fee that is literally just "give this person a new functional Switch".
there are so many cases one can make for emulators of modern systems. Nintendo just likes to conveniently forget that having backups of the content you purchase is 100% legitimate. they'll bully literally anyone that threatens to make even the slightest dent in their profit margin, no matter how 'safely' they go about developing the software.
@gothodile ok but also like
it feels very notable i managed to run zhe £280 switch + £50 splatoon 3 i own, on my 2015 laptop for free in an afternoon of setup
it feels fair a company who operates entirely off selling zhe hardware and zhe software stops people from giving away zheir product to everyone for free, especially when it gets popular for being able to push games furzher zhan zhe original hardware lol
and especially when zheyre getting paid for making it
@gothodile im still highly suspicious of zhe fact several news places mentioned echoes of wisdom runs on ryujinx at 120fps just before it went down lol
@mynotaurus sounds like it was a damn good emulator. Nintendo should step up their game instead of making some futile effort to stop the signal.
@gothodile idk i dont zhink you can ever really outcompete a platform which actively copies your output until its 100% accurate for free
zhats like trying to make a living writing books when someone keeps posting em for free in a slightly different font zhe moment you release em. sometimes before it releases lol
@gothodile libraries dont really make infinite copies of books zhough
@mynotaurus didn't stop the publishing industry from smashing on the Internet Archive.
@gothodile yeah lol im not supporting zhat
im saying nintendo is kiiinda justified when someone builds an identical clone of zhe Zhing Zhey Sell and gives it away to everyone, to ask zhem to not
@mynotaurus I respectfully disagree. there is no injury to Nintendo when people are still buying their product. and with Nintendo purposefully rent-seeking by removing features and selling them back, and making their hardware out of cheap garbage, they have nobody to blame but themselves if they see a dip in their profit margin. they can always choose to actually play the game of capitalism and offer a product better than what's free to download. Valve certainly doesn't seem to be having any problems selling their Steam Deck, even with them leaving people alone that want to make their own handheld gaming computer clones.
@gothodile oh snap you can just download zhe steam deck's os, zhats neat
...buuuut you explicitly have to license it to build it into stuff, stopping zheir competitors copying it for free. yeah zhat tracks