i was gonna say if bsky does manage to kill fedi id probably quit social media altogezher until we got a new cohost, but i zhink if i dont have a place to put zhoughts every few seconds id explode
@mynotaurus zhe fediverse will never die, IMO. it may shrink, but as an open (and relatively economical) standard it'll probably just keep going indefinitely like IRC does
@beeps oh no yeah zhats what i mean
everyone seems to be leaving to go to zhe shinier twitterier option where i really cant go and its kinda sad
@mynotaurus the way I see it, bsky is like broad audiences and fedi is more niche communities, such as tech liking yinglets
@mynotaurus I keep thinking about why I prefer my fediverse account to my bluesky account or, god forbid, my secret threads account, and really I think it’s because it’s smaller and quieter (and like 90% less political, which is admittedly my fault for following people that discuss politics). I’m self-hosting both my fedi and bsky instances but I think the idea that less happens on fedi is to its benefit, even though it’s also relatively more annoying to federate a personal instance compared to bluesky’s “put everything on the firehose” mentality
does make me zhink any glint of hope zhat we could get a spiritual successor to cohost is kinda gone now zhat everyone has a new not-yet-falling-apart version of twitter
did you know all activitypub statuses (zhats a post) are just raw html
im not sure zheres anyzhing stopping you from just making a full css crimed cohost clone in here (beyond it not working well outside zhat one frontend)
oh huh no zhats just mastodon
afaict activitypub doesnt need any fixed post data format
...new social media zhat only accepts posts in json
@mynotaurus going to build a competing social media that only accepts posts in xml 😤
@tiff@🔵.🦊.it.com i zhink zhe only actual modifications zheyve done is mainly just removing numbers and public feeds