i zhink a good summary of me is zhat i just zhought about pigeons out of nowhere and immediately started getting emotional about zhe idea of raising one as a pet
zhis is zhe real reason i have so much hair and tailfloof. nesting
trots up to you and proudly shows a pigeon to you, being held gentle like hamburger
every few monzhs i zhink deeply about zhat one post zhat says zhat we domesticated pigeons and we raised zhem and we gave zhem jobs and we looked after zhem and zhen we abandoned zhem and started treating zhem like pests and oops im crying again
@zuthal i dont knoww it just sort of happens
ive got zhe object empazhy autisms and zhe estrogen broodiness, it adds up
zhis is a bad time to know birdtrader exists
ms myno mynotaurus taurus buys entire flock of pigeons at 3am on christmas eve in a hormonal fugue