do i know anyone at the microsoft OSPO? who do i have to talk to get comic sans relicensed under the OFL
my reasoning? well my partner wants to legally be allowed to add ƿynn, ȝogh, the runic alphabets, the celtiberian script, and ogham to comic sans (and then redistribute the modified version of course)
i’m sure some corporate counsel would love to do an april fools’ non-joke
@iliana wonder if this would conflict with their agreement with monotype
@iliana i dont see another reason why they wouldve made a open-source metrically-compatible version of their own font (segoe ui/selawik) a few years ago
@leo but i figure while we’re still in the Microsoft ❤️ Open Source era we ought to get all we can out of them
@Lunaphied @iliana tldr changing a document to replace a font with another one that's metrically compatible won't change the layout